Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Autodesk Inventor is the primary software used to design mockups for 3D-printing. Files can be saved in STL format and loaded onto a slicer, such as Ultimaker Cura or a specialized software designed for certain brands of printers that the lab uses. From there, they can be loaded onto the printer via SD card. Materials that have been used include, but are not limited to, polylactic acid (PLA), polycarbonate (PC), thermoplastic urethane (TPU), and flexible PLA. These materials have been used to create both stiff and flexible models. Heat treatment is can be used for post-processing.
Assembly in Autodesk Inventor of an equine respirator mask and cushion.
Assembly in Autodesk Inventor of all the components of a sensor-integrated block system.
Assembly of the one-way air valves used in the SIB/mask system.
Complete 3D-Printed SIB/mask assembly, complete with printed valves, fastening mechanisms, and electronics.